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How to start Investing in your 20s - Investment ideas to become wealthy | Elamaran Selvam

 The word " Investing " sounds to be a scary one for most of us since we are not even aware of what is really meant by investing, and some even have a misconception that investing ends up losing your money. Being in your 20s is a golden opportunity to taste the market for the long term, and staying invested helps you to be financially free from your early days of retirement. Here we will discuss Where to Invest your Money in your early 20s. The financial situation in the 20 s When you are just graduated and landed on your first job, you will start earning more than you pocket money during your college time. Suddenly there will be a lot of money in your hand, but there arises a situation that you are no more dependent on your parents for your daily needs. Also, this is the period in your life where you would like to buy whatever you see, alongside you would also like to get rich from the money you earn.  Well, how to achieve your financial independence while enjoying your 20s?

Signs of Maturity

    People generally say that you get matured when you become older; usually, it does not happen in that way. You really get matured out of your experience, it is a continuous process where you try to learn how to act when a particular situation is placed in front of you. Here I have explained some signs of maturity which you already possess or try to follow if you miss any of the below.

1. You prefer to be silent over a useless conversation

    You know in well advance that there is nothing useful going to happen when you involve in a firefighting conversation (say that you're supporting your favorite actor/actress) where you could be seen fighting with your best friend and maybe, sometimes it ends up with breaking up your relationship. 

On the other hand, a well mature person will know all these scripts before getting into that useless conversation and they will just ignore it even if it makes them lose the conversation. They do not care about it and just pretend to be silent and accept whatever the other person says rather than involving in that conversation.

2. You don't judge people easily

    We judge people based on how honest they are, their trustworthiness, sincerity and how do they respond to other people. One may not be in a good mood at that moment and would have responded to you in a very bad way, it doesn't mean that they are of that type.

A mature person accepts whatever the way others act and tries not to judge them just because of that one incident, instead they understand about their state of well being and tries to compromise with them.

3. You don't buy what you see

    You notice that one of your friends was using a brand new mobile or they own a luxury car, bike, or a grand house, and watching all these, it doesn't mean that you should also go ahead and buy the same. If you do so, then you should really consider what is your real need to buy and not.

A well-matured person never buys what they get attracted to; instead, they buy only when they need it. I would like to give you a 7-day tip whenever you are about to buy something. Wait for 7 days and think whether you really need it and how many times you needed it in that last 7 days. If it is really needed in the last 7 days then you can buy it, else you can just ignore it and save for a useful one.

4. You enjoy your own companion 

    You don't mind pleasing a person who talks to you nicely but speaks something rubbish about you to others. You try to ignore false people and try to enjoy your own company than surrounded by false people. 

More the time you spend alone you try to learn yourself, you build self-confidence about yourself, you know what is your strength and what is your weakness. You never allow someone to hurt you and knowingly or unknowingly you try overcoming your weakness. If you have never done this, give yourself a chance: you need no one, you need only you!

5. You prefer to sleep than a Friday night out

    At the early stages of life, you would have gone for a party or a movie late nights and not considering any of your next days' tasks and accomplishments. This could have probably a routine that going late outs on Friday night and ending up a complete rest the next day morning.

Remember a well-focused person concentrates more on their goal accomplishment than spending time for late-night dinners and movies. They try to start a better day early in the morning than ending up late at night, by this they would have perfectly sculpted a day on when to start and when to end.

6. You respect people more than their money

    You may see in our society someone respects a person just because they own money, financial power, and position. All those crowds surrounded them would probably leave them within a day or two when they run out of money or their powers.

Be your boss, your relation, or your neighbor; as a mature person, you never respect them just because of their money/power/position. You value a person because of their kindness, trustworthiness and how supportive are they on your difficult situations.

7. Always expect the unexpected

    Being a mature person is not that complex, it is as simple that you don't expect anything from anyone and you do always expect the unexpected one. You are no longer feeling broken for not getting proper care from your beloved ones, you have a clear visual on yourself that what to expect and what not to expect from anyone.
Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.

8. You become more open-minded

    The maturity of a person can be rated based on how open-minded they are; when a person becomes more open-minded they become mentally strong and they feel more optimistic towards their work. 

When a person becomes open-minded they don't get angry when they are wrong instead, they would like to hear from others and tries to improvise themselves. They try to look at different angles for a given problem and always arrive at a positive thing from a negative situation.

    Kindly share if you like this content and do comment if you would like to share your views on maturity or other topics on which we need to discuss or if you would like to add more content to the above topic. Let's discuss it and spread positivity!


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